Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This is Eternal Life

We just had a beautiful experience in the temple. We had a family member who was getting married. Just as he was starting his new marriage, his brother was ending his. After about 15 years of marriage he is divorced. Four kids, a temple sealing and it is all gone. He is not to blame, and maybe no one is. The point is that he is devastated.

The sealing was beautiful. The sealer talked about how both the bride and groom had sung the song "I Love to See the Temple" as Primary children and how that had gotten them to where they were today. To enter the temple and to make the covenants with Heavenly Father is the epitome of joy and happiness.

As we all left the sealing room and went down the steps the brother was visibly upset and crying. His face was red and he could only hold his face in his hands. As he came to the bottom of the staircase his family surrounded him. They literally made a circle around him as they hugged and comforted him for about five minutes at the bottom of the staircase.

I can only imagine what was going through his head. He misses his kids. He is wondering why his wife left him. Did it have to do with him? Was he not good enough? What will happen to their temple sealing? Then his family surrounded him. I could literally see the sealing power taking effect as I realized that the family unit was still intact. He is sealed to his brothers and sisters and his mother and father.

This is what Satan is trying so hard to get us to forget. The family is the essential, basic unit of society. In whatever form it happens to take. He still has that strength and power. He still has an intact family unit.

This is just like it will be in the Celestial Kingdom. Our loved ones greeting us at the door. Surrounding us, helping us. This is the reward we will get for being righteous. This is joy. This is power. This is eternal life.